Tuesday, July 14, 2009

TN from Fonda, Iowa needs a free Large Print ESV Bible

Note to readers of non-Christian faiths: I welcome all requests for free information as long as they are family friendly.

TN from Fonda, Iowa sent the following message:

"I need a free extra large print standard English version Bible. I'm a 44-year-old dedicated Christian that lives in a nursing home because I have very severe diabetes. The diabetes has taken it's toll on my vision so that I can no longer finish reading GOD'S WORD. Could you please help me with this request?"

Here is my reply:


As a fellow Christian (though probably not of your denomination), I believe you should get your Bible. Since I'm a poor student myself, I'm unable to personally provide one. The clearly-stated goal of ActuallyFree.info is to provide the necessary information so that people can get what they need for free. And its a pleasure to provide the following information to one who won't allow a visual impairment to keep him from reading the Bible.

The minute I opened your message in my inbox I began to search for free Large Print English Standard Version (ESV) Bibles. Someone on Yahoo! answers suggested the Gideons (the same organization that leaves Bibles in motel rooms). However the gideons do not distribute Bibles to individuals, only to organizations that can accept large quantities (hotels, motels, hospitals, nursing homes, shelters, colleges, etc.). Since you live in a nursing home, you might be able to ask one of the workers if there is someone who can contact the Gideons to request a whole batch of large print Bibles. This would not only benefit you, but others that live in the nursing home as well. If the nursing home is able to do that, they can find the contact information for the Gideons here: www.gideons.org

An article that I read offered the following suggestions for obtaining a free Bible: Contact a local church, download free bible software, use a free online Bible, request a Bible from websites that offer free Bibles, and contact a Bible society (who may or may not be able to offer a free Bible).

I think "contacting a local church" was the first suggestion because that's probably the best resource you can go to that will adjust to your personal needs. As far as the other resources go, I've checked a couple of them out and listed them below. Most "free Bible" sites don't say much about providing for the visually impaired. In my search I tried to keep your specific situation in mind but I also included other sources for the benefit of other readers.

You can read the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible for free online and adjust the size of the font so that its easier to read.

Go here for the ESV Bible: www.gnpcb.org/esv/browse

You can use the following help pages to learn how to adjust the font size for your internet browser:

Another excellent online Bible website is www.biblegateway.com. You can compare texts of different versions of the Bible. They also have audio versions of the bible, including free audio of the English Standard version here.

Online text bibles, which can become large print with simple font-changing steps, and online audio Bibles seem to be great options for the visually impaired. I've included more of these sources below. On the matter of getting an actual, printed copy of the ESV Bible in large print, I'm sorry to report that I wasn't able to find a resource specifically for that purpose. However, I've included other resources for free Bibles below. Some of these listed resources may be able to provide you with a free ESV Bible in large print.

May God bless you in your search for a Bible suitable to your needs, and may your continued Bible reading bring you closer to His presence.


Read the Bible for free online:

Free Bible audio online (streaming or download):
http://www.lds.org/mp3/newarchive/0,18615,5249-1,00.html#TheScriptures (Old Testament here: http://www.lds.org/mp3/display/0,18692,5297-62,00.html, New Testament here: http://www.lds.org/mp3/display/0,18692,5297-45,00.html)
http://www.faithcomesbyhearing.com/ambassador/free-audio-bible-download (New Testament only, doesn't say which version)

Free Bible software:
Bible software from Download.com

Free Bible CD:

Receive a Bible for free in the mail:

Bibles specifically for the visually impaired:
http://www.lbwinc.org/order/ (specifically offers braile or large print bibles, write, call or email for their catelog)
http://www.low-vision.org/?dispage=53 (Find Large Print Bible phone number under "Large Print Periodicals", doesn't mention which version)

Free Bible sources that don't say what version they offer:
http://www.biblefreegift.org/ (It appears they accept bible donations, so they probably distribute whatever versions are donated)
http://www.lesea.com/needabible.cfm (Non-USA requests only)
http://www.freebibles.net/ (Can't guarantee a specific version, but will probably work with those who are visually impaired)
http://www.americanbible.org/pages/about-contactus (Contact us form for United Bible Society in USA)
http://www.biblesociety.org/ (United Bible Society's international site)
http://www.tfwoc.com/freestuff.htm (Each of the 4 gospels available as pamphlets)
http://www.getyourfreebible.com/index.htm (Africa and Philipines residents only, Bibles available in English, Tagalog and Hiligaynon. New Testament only.)

King James Version:

New King James Version:

American Standard Version:

New International Version:
http://www.myfreebible.org/ (New Testament only)

Other Free resources:

National Bible Society Websites: http://www.biblesociety.org/old/bibsocs.htm